Was in school over the weekend and I was surfing the net in elect library. Logged on to my gmail account and then it struck me; gmail is still a BETA service, despite all these years…I looked over to timba and popped the “why” question at him…he gave me the look that says: “does it look as if I have a desk at googleplex?”
As far as am concerned, gmail is far from being a beta service and the beta tag should be stripped away from it. It’s a stable enough application. And if any further work is to be done on it, it should be under the guise of new features being added not refactoring of a BETA service, but once again, I don’t work in Google so wouldn’t know whatz up.
And still talking about BETA services, I recently started the BETA testing of ednutey5 and if things work out like I envisage, I should be deploying to full fledge production in the next, say, 3 to 4 years…
So far eduntey5 has been a pretty, nice and sexy service. I haven’t encountered any major bug and guess what may be required of me is just proper integration so as to ensure compatibility with other services I’m presently running...
So far it has been fun.
Beta is like a web 2.0 fashion now...yahoo has been in beta for longer...
ednutey ehn ... .... i wish u 2 d best ...
why have u not written stuff since january?
Thanx bade...
Dont mind me jo, been busy with school and 60minuteswiththegeeks...
Anyway will look into it.
funny! i just noticed today that google is still in beta mode and I wondered...only to stumble upon ur blog today and c this article...
cool blog!
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